Keep Your Word

If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Breaking your word results in a loss of integrity. People stop taking you seriously. Everything you say is a broken promise or an empty threat which reinforces whatever doubts people had of you previously. Your words lose power. And it looks like you will say…

My Morning Routine

Naturally, I’m a night owl. I used to get a second wind in the evenings and would regularly stay up until 1:00am. I used to get hungry in the evenings before I starting Intermittent Fasting and would eat as late as 10:00pm. I was never a morning person, but I was responsible and would get…

Halfway Through The Year

It’s July 8th. We’re already past the halfway point of the year. Are you doing the things you’re supposed to do to help you live the life you want to live? Are you progressing towards the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? Or are you coasting by. Taking things as…

How I Started to Eat Healthy

Transitioning to a healthy diet can seem like a daunting task when you’re just starting out, but it doesn’t have to be. Growing up I was incredibly picky. I lived off of chicken tenders, fries and pizza. No fruits. No vegetables (besides potatoes and corn). Nothing green. If a restaurant garnished a dish with parsley…


One of the few things that tests my patience is complaining. I don’t have any tolerance for it. I’m not sure if it’s social media’s fault for giving everyone a loud speaker to complain into or if it’s just becoming more commonplace in our culture. Thousands of years ago life was too hard to waste…

Why I Use Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has become very popular over the last few years but it is nothing new. Martin Berkhan, some call ‘The God Father” of intermittent fasting, started his Leangains protocol in 2007. Ori Hofmekler published “The Warrior Diet” in 2001, which promotes intermittent fasting with just one large meal in the evening comprised of whole…

Hey There!

Welcome to my site. I’m still not sure what this will evolve into but it will begin with posts about health and fitness. I know what you’re thinking, the Internet doesn’t need anymore wannabe fitness personalities posting shirtless pics, telling you to chase your dreams, and teaching you this one simple trick for six pack…