Keep Your Word

If you say you’re going to do something, do it.

Breaking your word results in a loss of integrity. People stop taking you seriously. Everything you say is a broken promise or an empty threat which reinforces whatever doubts people had of you previously.

Your words lose power. And it looks like you will say whatever sounds good in any given situation.

The dishonesty makes you lose the trust of others, which makes you disposable.

Don’t be the people pleaser who says yes to everyone and everything. You stretch yourself too thin and end up over-committing and letting people down by not holding up your end of the bargain. You’re better off under promising and over delivering as well as saying no when you can’t do something.

Don’t be the guy that talks a big game, and has all these grand and glorious ideas and plans that never come to fruition. Don’t talk about it, be about it. It’s corny but it’s sound advice.

Given enough time, people show you who they really are.

Be a man of your word. Otherwise, be prepared to be lonely.

Talk again soon,
