Halfway Through The Year

It’s July 8th.

We’re already past the halfway point of the year.

Are you doing the things you’re supposed to do to help you live the life you want to live? Are you progressing towards the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?

Or are you coasting by. Taking things as they come. Going with the flow. Letting life drag you through time on a conveyor belt.

The time will pass, make sure you’re spending it on things that will improve your life.

No one is coming to save you.

Stop putting off the work for a time when you’ll feel like doing it. You’re never going to feel like doing it. You have to put the time and effort in even when you don’t necessarily want to.

If you’re constantly waiting for the perfect time to start, you’ll never get anything done.

Put your nose to the grindstone. Work through that resistance. Make something happen.

If you’re not satisfied with the end result, learn from your mistakes and try again.

Life rewards those who take action.

Talk again soon,



This was an unusually short post. I’ll be sure to send out two posts this week to make up for it. My girlfriend and I have had company over the last 10 days, so the time I normally spend by myself reading and writing has been swapped out for time with friends and family (a trade I’ll take almost any day).

Here’s a photo of us from the 4th of July at Woodlawn Beach. Now you can put a face to the words.