
One of the few things that tests my patience is complaining. I don’t have any tolerance for it.

I’m not sure if it’s social media’s fault for giving everyone a loud speaker to complain into or if it’s just becoming more commonplace in our culture. Thousands of years ago life was too hard to waste time complaining. And if you constantly complained, you would have been ostracized from the tribe.

There’s a difference between acknowledging a problem and complaining. We shouldn’t go through life with rose tinted glasses and act like everything is alright. There are plenty of things that need changed.

Acknowledging an issue is important and allows us to focus on a solution to the problem. Complaining focuses on the problem without putting any effort into fixing the issue. It’s easy to focus on the negatives and list everything that’s going wrong in your life. Drop that mentality.

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your perspective.

It’s that simple.

Complaining is a decision. A decision to drain energy from those you’re speaking to.

Do yourself and everyone around you a favor, keep your complaints to yourself.

Channel that unpleasant energy into action that will improve your situation.


– Shane