Hey There!

Welcome to my site. I’m still not sure what this will evolve into but it will begin with posts about health and fitness. I know what you’re thinking, the Internet doesn’t need anymore wannabe fitness personalities posting shirtless pics, telling you to chase your dreams, and teaching you this one simple trick for six pack abs. All while telling you to smash the like and share buttons. That’s not what this site is about. I’m going to give you honest, actionable advice that you can use to get the results you desire from your training and help you lead a healthy life.

Now you’re probably wondering who I am. I’m a normal person just like you, doing my best to get by. I decided a little over a year and a half ago that the traditional path of life wasn’t for me. You know, go to college. Get good grades in a practical degree so you can get a well paying job doing something you don’t like, to buy things you don’t need, to impress people you don’t even like. I did not find that lifestyle satisfying. I quit my corporate desk job to pursue a career as a personal trainer. I am currently training out of Buffalo, NY (if you’re in the area and looking for some help with your fitness, fill out the contact form below). Leaving corporate America to pursue my passion was one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

Finding a way to get paid for doing what you love to do is more fulfilling than I ever imagined. I have dedicated a significant portion of the last 6 years to health and fitness. During that time I have made countless mistakes, sustained numerous injuries, and wasted many hours in the gym training incorrectly. I learned what does and doesn’t work the hard way so you don’t have to. I will share these experiences with you in future posts, allowing you to learn from my mistakes and save you precious time and energy.

I considered naming this site shaneduganfitness.com but I did not want to pigeonhole myself into exclusively writing about training and nutrition. I will use this space as a tool to help me think through ideas and reinforce things I’ve learned. This will not be a political blog. This will not be a loud speaker for me to virtue signal. This isn’t about validation or attention. I’m not using this to pander to some imaginary target audience. I’m using this space to express my thoughts and share my experiences. I hope my words resonate with you and help you in a meaningful way. If I help just one person with this site, all the time and effort will be worth it.

You can expect to see at least one post weekly. Sundays at 5:00pm EST. This is a self imposed deadline. If I didn’t hold myself accountable for the weekly post, I would never post anything. I have talked about starting a blog since the fall of 2016. I purchased this domain over a month ago. As you can see, I’m naturally inclined to procrastination. Without the deadline I would also try to perfect each post which would delay things even further. Sometimes good enough is good enough.

Thanks for stumbling upon this page. I’m excited to see where this will end up and I look forward to providing you with some valuable insights.

Talk again soon,
