No Gym, No Problem

This is a full body resistance training program built on the most effective and accessible bodyweight and kettlebell movements. Strategically constructed to build you up and not burn you out. This program is designed to be a guide that incorporates the best movements to make you look good, move well, and encourage you to live a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Giving you the energy, confidence, and strength to live life on your terms.

Majoring in the Minors

All too often, people fail to build a solid foundation with the fundamentals and mistakenly get caught up in minute details trying to optimize their results. Wants to lose body fat and can’t decide between going vegan, keto, or carnivore. Has never heard of a caloric deficit. Interested in purchasing a test booster, fails to…

Why We Sleep

Nearly 70 percent of adults throughout all developed nations fail to get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. This is a modern problem. One hundred years ago, almost everyone was naturally getting seven to eight hours of sleep. Less than 2 percent of the United States population slept six hours or less a…

An Insider’s Look at Supplements

Every guy new to training will see the strongest, most physcially impressive person in the gym and think, “What supplement(s) is that guy taking that makes him so jacked?” It’s one of the most common questions asked by beginners. If they’re impressed, they’ll ask you directly, “You’re ripped dude, what’s your supplement stack?” I know…

Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain

Yesterday I started reading Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. It had been on my reading for some time now, and I picked up a copy earlier this week at my local library.  In the first chapter, Carnegie presents his first principle: Don’t criticize, condemn or complain. These tactics are worthless when trying…

Key Takeaways from Deep Nutrition

Health problems have been going up like never before. There has been a rise in birth defects, asthma, allergies, auto-immune disorders, obesity, diabetes, autism, and new diseases are being discovered. Heart disease was almost unheard of before the 1900’s and now it’s the No. 1 killer in America. Our diet has changed more in the…

Keep Your Word

If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Breaking your word results in a loss of integrity. People stop taking you seriously. Everything you say is a broken promise or an empty threat which reinforces whatever doubts people had of you previously. Your words lose power. And it looks like you will say…

My Morning Routine

Naturally, I’m a night owl. I used to get a second wind in the evenings and would regularly stay up until 1:00am. I used to get hungry in the evenings before I starting Intermittent Fasting and would eat as late as 10:00pm. I was never a morning person, but I was responsible and would get…